Five reasons why it’s so hard for your brand to stand out on Social Media

HINT: It has nothing to do with what you offer and everything to do with them being un-interested

As a marketer, one thing this industry has taught me is that the rules are constantly changing but what remains constant is the importance of communicating to your audience with a narrative, otherwise even the most established of brands up is doomed to fail no matter how good their product/service is. And since Social Media provides YOU access to the same set of consumers that were solely exclusive to big-budget brands, you are now required you to put your best foot forward and dazzle them with your marketing. So why is it becoming increasingly difficult to get your audience to stop and give a damn about your brand? Well here are some points to consider and keep in mind when you are working on your overall communication plan.

1. The Algorithm is in constant flux

Do videos perform better than photos in the algorithm? How do you get your posts seen by more of your followers? Do hashtags help or hurt? These are all questions you may ask yourself when you are creating content. The short answer is it doesn’t really matter because social media algorithms are constantly changing and adapting due to the millions of data sets it acquires every minute of every day using machine learning. Essentially, the algorithm will prioritize the type of content that a user engages with the most — let’s say you have started spending more time watching food videos, therefore the chances you will see more of the same content in your feed as an ad or in the discovery section increases. That’s why it’s important to always base your content on your core audience needs rather than chasing what works best with an ever-changing algorithm.

2. Our average attention span is lower than that of a goldfish

Did you know that the consumer attention span is quickly waning? The average attention span of a millennial is at a whopping 12 seconds—and for Gen Zers, that number is an even more disappointing at just 8 seconds. But the real difference between the two consumer groups comes down to how and where they actually consume the information. Generation Z doesn’t just have a shorter attention span; they also juggle more screens. On average, millennials bounce between 3 screens at a time which is why television commercials are sometimes end up falling on deaf ears. The sad part things are only going to get more complicated as Gen Zers tends to juggle around 5 screens at once!

3. The internet is oversaturated with content

Early in 2020 and with the increasing lockdown measures across the world, Facebook reported that their daily active users have seen a dramatic rise in engagement as people around the world used social media platforms and calling apps to connect with their loved ones and stay abreast with all the COVID related news. In fact, the average internet user tends to scroll through or over 90 meters of content every day – that is roughly the same height as New York’s Statue of Liberty! This means the social media platforms like Instagram is becoming oversaturated with more brands joining and posting more and more content every second. This may also be resulting in a dip of the organic reach below 1%.

4. Niche audiences are emerging and becoming the norm

As consumers shift into smaller, tighter-knit, like-minded groups, brands will need to make more deliberate and make more genuine connections in these online spaces. Marketers are seeing how reaching users at their points of passion can be more relevant, offer more assurances about data security, and spark deeper connections with their consumers. Online communities have emerged as the ideal channel for interest-based marketing and one size fits all communications just won’t cut it in groups like this

5. Digital detox, Social breaks and the search for mental wellness is on the rise

A survey of 1,500 Gen-Zers and millennials by the Royal Society for Public Health in the United Kingdom shared that respondents confirmed that social media platforms such as Instagram put too much pressure on users to display perfect versions of themselves online, and many users are wising up to the influencer culture’s effect on their mental health. As a result and being fueled by a growing desire for privacy, authenticity and wellbeing, young consumers are seeking ways to digitally engage with only their closest companions, whether through bite-sized direct messaging communities, such as the new Threads app from Instagram, or niche interest-based groups on Reddit or Discord.

Social was once a space for projecting and seeking validation. But in the wake of increased mental health awareness especially during the pandemic , people are taking a more measured approach to digital consumption. They don’t want to be cut off from the internet. They just want a better relationship with it. So consumers are actively rebalancing their digital lives to protect their wellbeing.

In nutshell, yes maintaining a consistent and successful social media presence has become slightly more challenging.…. which is where I come in to help

If you are looking for a course that can provide you with a step by step guide to visually plan, create content, and manage your social media, then check out the “The Social Media Toolkit 1.0”.

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